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AI in the Workplace: 8 Artificial Intelligence Trends to Watch in 2021

Expect to see artificial intelligence everywhere in 2021! Here's how AI in the workplace is changing the way we do business today!

Keyword(s): ai in the workplace

Are you looking for ways to futureproof your business?

Artificial intelligence is the greatest innovation of our time that’s easy to misinterpret. This is because, when most people say AI, what comes to people's minds is full automation, automated functions and services, and 100% machine control over everything. This is common because of the influence of pop culture on AI.

However, AI is about graduating from automaton work to a design fit for human and machine systems. Nowadays, companies are adapting to that idea and integrate AI in the workplace. It improves their workflow by making it easy to do and manage.

Soon, companies will move towards becoming a tech company. If you are still not convinced, these are the eight ways Artificial Intelligence is changing the way business works. Read what we have below and learn more.

1. AI Recruitment

Before you can apply for a job, there are now ways to determine if you’re the right fit that employers are looking for. Through a pre-screening, AI checks if the candidate is suitable for the interview. This is mostly done via applicant tracking tools.

This kind of assessment utilizes Pymetrics, which is a series of games. It's not the same kinds of games you see on popular media, but principles based on neuroscience. Along with AI, Pymetrics bypass the bias we face on jobs based on our gender, socioeconomic status, or race.

The AI also helps in recruitment by determining which part of the job suits you best. It does this with the use of the data provided from your screening and from what the company needs.

2. On-the-Job Training

Once you landed on a job, you can expect to have some training to become even more proficient in the field. AI utilized in training changes how businesses approach this. With the AI's help, learning on the field becomes easier and faster.

These kinds of training use AR and VR technology to provide you with a real-time environment. Depending on your job, they use these technologies for simulation. This enhances your work experience by giving immediate feedback until you can perfect it.

The pandemic accelerated the development and integration of this AI. Because of the new normal, we look to the assistance of virtual bodies to aid us in training and on-the-job skill development.

3. Efficient Workforce

To describe how AI makes the workforce efficient, we start with the term “augmented”. What it means is to train you to work with a machine, improving the efficiency of the workforce.

The idea of the augmented workforce is to leave the mundane task to machines, while humans can focus more on tasks that require the attention of a person, such as quality control. Even those that need creativity will receive more attention this way.

The best way you can do this is by assigning the AI to take care of repetitive tasks. This is a surefire way to avoid human error as burnout can make a person lose focus at work.

Also, AI assists the employees that are having difficulties with the job. It's a great way to ensure that worker quality doesn't get affected by long routines and such.

4. Improved Workplace Security

What's great about AI is that it can help screen the potential employees entering your workforce. There are programs that help with your screening process to aid you in your screening processes. These often link to public criminal databases to vet interviewees.

The AI will give you an alert if someone gets dinged in the database. You'll then be able to see their criminal record, helping you with the hiring process.

With this in mind, you can be confident that all the employees you'll be having in your workforce are no risk to your business. It's a great way to secure the workplace from within.

5. Robotic Workforce

In manufacturing companies, it’s common to find robots as the main workforce. Because of the autonomous abilities of a robot, they’re able to work with accuracy and precision.

These are among the most common examples of AI. They work with the help of code that's inserted into their CPU. They'll use the code to execute their actions without pause.

6. Business Data and Analytics

Even with the advancements like cloud-based applications and such, gathering data is still a chore for many businesses. The human factor can mean that the data gathered can still be wrong, wasting everyone's time.

With artificial intelligence in the workplace, gathering data is now faster and more reliable. AI combs through the Internet to gather what it's tasked to find. Since it can read data at astounding speeds, it can produce results within a matter of minutes or even seconds.

However, the data they collect is raw. This means that computers won't know what to do with it when they receive it. The combined efforts of the AI and a business analyst makes the data digestible.

7. Fight Fraud and Improve Online Security

Nowadays, it’s common for people to show concern about their online security. AI in 2021 detects fraudulent activities in your account and protect you from further damages.

The system blocks the activity in your account, freezing it until it’s confirmed that it's you. This kind of system is also used in banks, making them secure against a lot of online attacks.

Doing so helps you protect your data, along with your clients and employees. It's also a great way to increase the trustworthiness of your brand.

8. Automated Response and Real-Time Customer Interaction

Another way AI changes the way we do business is through customer service. Chatbots and the like interact with customers and gather data from them. They do these through a series of scripts and responses prepared to react to certain keywords.

With their help, customers can approach a brand anytime to have their issues resolved. Once an employee can get to their issue, they can see the data gathered by the AI. This allows them to know what they need to do without reaching out to the customer yet again.

See How AI in the Workplace Changes How We Do Business Today

AI in the workplace is about pairing humans and machines to make a supermind. Doing so guarantees to improve the productivity and satisfaction rate of your business. Integrate AI in your workplace and transform your business today!

Do you need help with projects as big as AI? Contact us today we'll get in touch with you as soon as we can!

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